Monday, November 23, 2009

gRaniZer cREw

ICT WizArdz:




Hai Mga feLLaz!! hmm..iTz mE again, Leilhan A.K.A. sIlenT bLoody cHiq_)xhUckz..i haVE somEthinG to zHare lAng nMan Why im Here aGain..As You sEe aboVe, the worD "grAnizEr creW" dAtz da nYm Of mY iz a daNce gRoup..Az Y0u knOw!! diZ gRoup waZ bUild Last SepteMber 05,2009..BecAuse oF haVing deTermInaTion GRANIZER CREW waZ bUIld.,_oUr maIn g0aL iZ jUst To GroovE inTo DA dAnce flooR..BecAuzE wE juZt Want t0 aChievEz 0uR goAls anD dEvelOp ouR talEnt And moZtLy to haVE a L0t of fRieNdZ..ChaR:->

Monday, November 9, 2009


InTEnsiTy cREw & GraNizER cREW

diZ gRoup is sO "paXaWay" in tiMez oF gueSting tHeir gRoup iZ caLLed "da boYz oVer FLoweRz" chaRR!!!!. meMbeR of intenSity cRew is so EneGetic, whilE the gRanizeR crEw is a gooOd daNceR.heheh!!! peAce""

_=dA daNcErZ!!

wE daNcE FoR lAugHtEr,
We dAncE for tEaRS
wE danCe foR madNesS,
wE dAnCe foR feArS,
We daNcE foR hopEs,
wE danCe foR scREamZ,
wE arE the DanCeRZ,
wE cReate ThE dReams

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

-_+WhaT I leaRned tOdAy???

_=+..hmm!! what i LeaRned todAy is thAt i leaRnEd
h0W to mAke a web page.. how to put a col0r oN it
aNd h0w t0 pUt a stYLe to maKe y0uR wEb pAgE cAtCHiNg
t0 tHe eYe oF tHe viEweR..Char!! duhh:-)

-_=+ gravitypump.html +=_-

gRaviTy PUmP_LEILhan

it staRt laZt juLy 16 2008.. mGa gwapa jud ng mGa myemBro dha..heHEEy.. e menti0n nahu ha?
hmmm...!! janGka, Leilhan, cHristine, anTonnite, Elykha, Jb, axL, Kessie, Sophy, Apol.. andm otheTs!!
duhH...............ADIK NA CLA!!!!!!!!!!!

._="TLe IV"=_.

The colors and background are so dark that makes the website not interesting to visit.

The size of the banner is good, but there is an empty space on it and just written so small that makes you don't understand what the website is.

The advertisement of the website is not familiar and not very catching to the viewer, and i cant understand what the w0rDs being used.

It is easy ...that's all..

It just have a few links...heehaw!!

The site map are very interesting to view , but i am disappointed because when I view each site, the website is boring and lack of information.

The content there are information but it so tired to read...-

Pictures are too many and I like it what they put because the pictures are very nice but the worst is some of its caption doesn't fit on the pictures.


Monday, November 2, 2009


01101000 01101001 00100001 00100000 01101001 00100111 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101100 01100101 01101001 01101100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100111 01101111 01100100 01101001 01101110 01100101 01111010 00100000